FTSR Team Owner System

1. About The Team Owner System 

FTSR uses a one-of-a-kind system to provide a league racing experience like no other! The system puts team owners in charge of all the facets of running their sim racing team, including purchasing charters (car numbers), hiring and managing drivers and yes, earning REAL MONEY from races and championships. 

Team Owners will start by purchasing charters for the series they wish to compete in. Once you choose the car number, you then are ready to hire a league-approved driver. Team Owners can choose to offer that driver a percentage of winnings for the contract length or a lump sum to drive for them. the driver then views the contract and decides whether to accept or reject the offer. Once a driver is signed, you are set.

Each race in a series pays out a set amount (found on the "Series Info" page for each series). There is also a substantial payout for the championship and other feats at the end of the season. All earned money is split between driver and team based on contract terms. We are very excited to be able to provide this exciting new opportunity and look forward to great things going forward. Are you ready to start your climb to fame and to build your dynasty at FTSR? For more information on how to get started, visit the "Getting Started" information HERE.


2. Charters (Car Numbers)

Team Owners must purchase a charter for each car they choose to enter into a series. The cost of the charter depends on the series, and may even be free for some series. This information can be found on the home page for each series. Charters are good for a single season and must be renewed each season.

Charters are the backbone of the system and are a way to avoid drivers paying directly into the system. It allows teams to fund and provide rides for drivers within the league. It is our experience that when drivers pay directly, the frustration of an accident can boil over and cause issues. With the driver being hired by a team owner, this creates some insulation and also reminds the driver that he is hired to do a job and may be judged by his actions, creating somewhat of a "checks and balances" system.

This also provides a sort of responsibility of the team owner to keep good drivers in the series and filter those that may not cut the mustard. Team owners can give drivers a shot in their car for a "trial period" and are encouraged to do so. If the driver does not work out, just in real racing, he may be forced to find another option. Team owners are in control of not only their team, but have some control of the quality of racing at FTSR in this format.

2. Car Status and Repair System

Just as in real racing, team owners must manage and repair the cars on their team. The health of a car is displayed using a green "health" bar for each car on the manage team page. During the races, cars take damage based on the incident points incurred by the driver. For each incident point, the car receives 5% damage. If the car receives 20 incident points during a single event (100% damage), the car is considered totaled. Anytime a car reaches 0% health, it must be repaired before it can be used again. Team owners will receive a notification that the car needs attention. 

Repairs can cost credits per 5% of car heath restored. Currently there is no cost to repair nor is there a penalty for dropping to 0% health. We plan to explore possibly expanding this feature in the future.

Team owners can view the status of their car by visiting the "Manage Team" section of the dashboard.


3. Contracts

Just as in real racing, teams and drivers will agree to partner with contracts. These contracts may outline a percentage of winnings a driver will receive for each race or a set amount for the season. The ability to pay drivers can be a selling point for teams to attract new, more successful drivers. Drivers many also choose to fund their own ride within the system, sending the team owner the money to cover the cost of the charter. Drivers will review contracts that they have received and choose the right one for them. Contracts are an agreement between driver and team owner and the league is not responsible for mediation. As long as the contract is active at the time of the start of the event, it is deemed valid. A team may only have 1 active contract for a car number at a time in a series. A contract in this system is “at will” and may be terminated by either party at any time.


4. Race Purse

Credits may be paid out per race as well, especially for special, sponsored or crown jewel events. The base purse for each series is noted on the "Series Info" page. The percentage of the purse to be paid out to team owner and driver are based on contract terms between the driver and team owner. The amounts after that calculation will be deposited into the driver bank and team owner account respectively.


5. Championship Payouts

At the end of a season, each series will pay out different amounts based on feats completed during the season. These amounts are also listed on the "Series Info" section of each series. Whether it is championship finishing position or other feats, each of these amounts are still divided between driver and team based on contract terms UNLESS specifically specified on the "Series Info" page of the series.


6. Eligible Drivers

Drivers must apply and must be deemed eligible for a series in order to be signed by a team. This designation is decided upon by the league administration team and the series requirements listed on the "Series Info" page for each series. Only eligible drivers will be able to be selected from the dropdown when sending a contract.. New drivers to the league undergo a review before being added to the eligible driver roster. You can view eligible drivers for a series under the "Drivers" page of each series. Free Agents (drivers who are available to be signed) are displayed without a car number or team name beside their name.


7. Team Owner Responsibility

Being a team owner at FTSR comes with some responsibility of the quality of racing in a series. The drivers hired by a team owner can greatly affect the on-track product at FTSR. If a team owner decided to foot the bill for a driver who causes many issues on track, he not only is less likely to earn a return on investment (ROI), he also has likely affected others attempt at doing so. Team owners should carefully consider and monitor their driver performances.


8. Penalties and Removals

The league administration team reserves the right to suspend or remove drivers and/or teams that cause issues for the sake of other competitors. This system does not change or right to manage the quality of racing at FTSR if needed. We will, however, work with team owners to ensure that teams are taken care of in the event that one of its drivers are removed from a series. Suspensions and other penalties will take affect as usual. 

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