The media center is provided for entertainment purposes only. Members are not to use this platform to flame, threaten, harass, insult or make deragatory comments toward other members or the league. League rules pertaining to flaming, voice chat usage and conduct also apply to the media center. Members who misuse this feature will have their access to the feature limited or removed and are subject to further penalties.

Members should avoid submitting content that includes:
- excessive foul language
- “hate speech” (for example, including but not limited to racial, ethnic or gender bashing language)
- content protected by copyright laws

Users submit media with the understanding that their name, voice and likeness may be used by FTSR and its affiliates free or charge and without the consent of the author.

Any and all media submitted within the media center is subject to review. Any media that is in violation of the league rules or the standards set forth in this document and/or are deemed to be detrimental to league functions will be removed.